Unique Conferences is seeking host associations, institutions and universities for future Unique Conferences. The hosts have two principal functions.
Provide local facilities for the Conferences
Provide a local contact point
Facilitate logistics arrangements
Please note that the hosts are not responsible for the Program or for the Registration Process
The Location
The location must have good international travel connections, which are attractive. Since the Conferences are self-funded, a reasonable assurance of a minimum of 50 full fee-paying participants drawn from the host country.
Local Organization
This involves finding a suitable location, a university or local hotels, receptions and sponsorship, high profile local speakers, touristic possibilities and other allied services/facilities. The local organizers are members of the Conference Committee, but they are NOT responsible for the major tasks of the Program Chairperson or for registration.
Country | Venue | Date | Travel
• Hotel capacities for up to 250
• Accommodation
• Local transportation
Conference Venue:
• Main conference hall
• Other seminar rooms
• Exhibition rooms
• Cafeteria
• Lunch & snacks
• Office space, phone, fax, email.
• Local mobile phones of the organizers on a permanent basis
• Local organizer + team + student volunteers
Side Events:
• Local plenary speaker
• Receptions offered
• Suggestions for end-of-conference outings
• Travel agents
• Conference website
• Printing of program
• Venue facilities
• Hotel booking
• Logistics for Resource Persons
• Local Sponsors
*** Unique Conferences pays for approved expenses but any surplus from the Conference(s) reverts to Unique Conferences.
Making an application: Write to Conference Admin: admin@uniqueca.com