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1) Do you provide invitation or visa letters?

Yes. We do provide invitation or visa letters to qualified academics with a paid registration. Please send your request to admin@uniqueca.com
Any specific questions regarding visas should be directed to the respective embassy or immigration office in your country/region. Regulations vary from country to country, and often from year to year. As a result, UCC is not able to be an authority and advisor in this area.

2) What do the conference registration fees include?

Author Registration:
The conference registration fees include Paper Presentation, Abstracts book, publications, Attendance to all Sessions, Conference Program, Working Lunches and Coffee Breaks, Name Tag, Certificate of Presentation and Conference Bag.

Listener Registration:
The listener registration fees include, Attendance to all Sessions, Working Lunches and Coffee Breaks, Conference Program, Name Tag, Certificate of Attendance and Conference Bag.

3) What kind of technical equipment is provided for the presentation of papers at the conferences?

  • Laptop Computer
  • LCD Data Projector & Screen
  • Rostrum (Podium)
  • Sound system
  • Laser Pointer

4) Can I organize a workshop in conjunction with the conference?

  • Yes, you should (Prospective workshop organizer) contact us to receive approval for the workshop session(s)
  • If the workshop proposal is approved by the Unique Conferences Canada (UCC), the workshop organizer should provide the title, topics and program to committee members of the workshop.
  • The UCC offers complimentary conference registration to the workshop organizer if he can bring at least 10 presenters.

5) Can I organize a special session in conjunction with the conference?

  • Yes, you (prospective special session organizer) should contact the UCC to receive approval for the workshop session(s)
  • If the special session proposal is approved by the UCC, the special session organizer should provide the title, topics, and program to committee members of the special session.
  • UCC offers complimentary conference registration to special session organizer(s) if he can bring at least 10 presenters.

6) How can I submit my paper for conference & journal publication?

Prospective authors should submit their full Papers, for Conference & Journal publication by e-mail. The receipt of paper submission will be confirmed via e-mail within five working days.

7) Can I find instructions for paper composition?

The Template Instructions and Template can be found in the Submissions Page at each conference website.

8) What are the criteria of selection of conference papers for journal publication?

The best conference papers are selected for journal publication after the conference.

9) Where are the conference proceedings/journal articles indexed in ?

All accepted papers of the registered participants will also be published in the conference proceedings/ journal  and will be indexed by specific indexing services, such as Crossref, Google scholar , WorldCat etc..

11) What is the length of Oral Paper Presentation?

Each Technical Presentation is 15-20  Minutes including Discussions.

12) Is there a Poster Paper Presentation Session?

Yes, Poster Papers are included in the Poster Presentation Sessions and Conference Proceedings.

13) Will I get an Attendance Certificate?


14) What opportunity exists for networking?

The Conference affords many opportunities for delegates to mix and mingle. With the Conference program, delegates can discuss the day’s events and make plans for the rest of the Conference. There is also a Conference Dinner and Tours hosted by the Conference organizers.* This, coupled with refreshment breaks and lunches, ensures our delegates have ample opportunity to make and maintain connections. (*Optional)

15) May I invite my family members – who are coming with me on holiday, but not attending the Conference – to the Conference tours?

Yes, of course you may. Tours, and other extras for non-participants may also be ordered through the registration process.

18) I cannot attend the Conference. How can I publish my paper?

A virtual proposal/presentation and registration process allows you to submit a paper to the Conference Paper proceedings book without attending the Conference and provides you with access to the electronic version of the paper publication.

19) My question is not listed in FAQs. Who do I contact?

Please email  admin@uniqueca.com . If you don’t hear from us within a week, please check your spam box.



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