Modes of conferences presentation - Global NGO Leaders Conference 2023 in Toronto Canada
Modes of conferences presentation - Global NGO Leaders Conference 2023 in Toronto Canada
Modes of conferences presentation - Global NGO Leaders Conference 2023 in Toronto Canada

SDG2025 program consists of two kinds of presentations.

1) Technical Presentations by academic/research community

Contributions submitted as an oral presentation may be accepted as a poster due to the limited amount of time slots available for presentation. If your contribution was accepted for an oral/poster presentation, you will be invited to submit an extended paper for the conference proceedings.

2) Industrial presentations by  consulting  companies/projects.

We give each and every participants to share their experience with the audience through these sessions.

Sessions will take place in parallel with a duration of 90 minutes. Each session will contain six speakers and opportunities for in-depth discussions.

Oral presentations should last no longer than 15-20 min minutes ( including 3 mins for questions).





Presentation Platform : ZOOM


  • Share Power Point Presentation -Video camera on
  • Share Power Point Presentation -Video camera off/ recorded presentation
  • Verbal presentation – Video camera on
  • Verbal presentation – Video camera off


  • Online Presentation slot
  • An abstract book(PDF) with an ISBN number
  • Conference e-Program
  • Certificate of Presentation (Digital)
  • Paper  proceedings in the International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Sessions will take place in parallel with a duration of 90 minutes. Each session will contain six speakers and opportunities for in-depth discussions.

Oral presentations should last no longer than 15-20 min minutes ( including 3 mins for questions).





Technical Specification

1920 pixels by 1080 pixels (an aspect ratio of 16 x 9), save it either as a .jpg or .jpeg file at 100 ppi (pixels per inch)

You have 5 mins for a presentation before the audience (If you like)

Source **

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